5 benefits of doing massage in the office


Any 21st century company offers its workers indirect benefits at the level of salary remuneration. Some seek to create relaxed and fostered environments on a platform for relaxation and creativity (chill-out rooms, sofas, ping-pong tables, the PlayStation, healthy food of bio origin, etc.), others offer recycling and training plans to increase the added value of the worker in his professional career and, more and more, many companies are investing in health by incorporating a small space in the office to have a mini-gym or a multipurpose room for yoga classes and/or or massage sessions during the working day.

Today we will look at the advantages and benefits of offering massage sessions (shiatsu) in the workplace.

  • Attention in the prevention of tensions due to stress and muscular injuries. The more we insist on dealing with daily tensions, the more relaxation tools the company offers to compensate for these discomforts, be they back pain due to pernicious and repetitive postures, or high levels of demand translated into anxiety and difficulties in relaxing.
  • postural reeducation through awareness dynamics with bad ergonomic habits. As workers receive massage sessions, there is greater awareness of the origin of muscle loads and how to learn to manage them in a healthier way.
  • Space within the day in which to disconnect and be cared for. The most important thing sometimes is to have this mini-break in the maelstrom of everyday life. When the company offers you this margin of relaxation, what it encourages is that you can be at work with greater relaxation and better performance.
  • Increased vitality and positivity in the workplace. The perception of going to work softens and the company is felt as a figure of support and recognition. Thus, workers better value the image of the company and the perception that all its efforts go beyond a monetary salary.
  • Promote the company as a place of health. With greater scope in what makes workers "happy", health occupies the pre-eminent place that it deserves. Without good health, productivity is not only reduced, but the feeling that the company is only interested in our productive force increases. If we attend to this personal part, the involvement of all parties becomes more natural.
  • Promote the company as a place of health. With greater scope in what makes workers "happy", health occupies the pre-eminent place that it deserves. Without good health, productivity is not only reduced, but the feeling that the company is only interested in our productive force increases. If we attend to this personal part, the involvement of all parties becomes more natural.

The sessions in the office offered by Sincronia Yoga are based on the technique of Shiatsu. They are 30-minute sessions that are carried out with clothes and on a futon that guarantees the comfort of those who receive the treatment. The space can be an office or a medium room to generate this climate of isolation and relaxation.

In Sincronia Yoga we seek to take care of ourselves every day and without distinction of the place where we do it. Where we work and usually spend so many hours of our week can also become a place of rest and care for our health.

For more information ask for your customized budget at sincroniayoga@gmail.com

Written by: Ignasi Sero


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