Shiatsu in Barcelona

What is Shiatsu?

Shiatsu is a manual therapy rooted in traditional Chinese and Japanese medicine, based on meridians and acupuncture points (but without the use of needles). This therapy works on these points through the pressure of thumbs, elbows, hands, knees, feet. As well as through stretching and mobilizations.

In Sincronia we work with the style of Shiatsu Movement. It is a technique that integrates ancient Chinese medicine with body work, Gestalt psychotherapy and the study of body movement (Body-Mind Centering). With this base, tools are generated with which we work on the symptom, the cause and the dynamics created.

Therefore, it is about offering integrated proposals in the body that help to mobilize blockages. Allowing to feel the cause and detecting the effect of Shiatsu to reorganize the nervous system with healthier habits

Benefits of Shiatsu

  • Relaxation and prevention of musculoskeletal and joint tensions (muscular contractures, vertebral pathologies, injuries)
  • Revitalization and toning of organs and basic vital functions (nutrition, breathing, blood circulation, sleep, menstrual cycles)
  • Body awareness and postural reeducation
  • Rebalancing and relaxation of the nervous system (prevention of stress, migraines, concentration and memory difficulties)
  • Stimulation of the immune system (greater vitality and better quality of life)

If you want to know more about this practice, we recommend the following articles from our blog: How to do Shiatsu? Y What is Shiatsu for?.

Originally from Japan and Chinese tradition, the shiatsu It is an ancient therapy that bases its benefits on achieving the correct channeling of vital energy (Chi) through pressure, on certain key points of our body, exerted with the fingers and the palms of the hands.


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