Yoga routine at home for beginners


You are just getting started in the world of yoga and after leaving a relaxed class Y full of energy, you wonder if you could practice at home to repeat this feeling more often. Today from Sincronia Yoga We show you a yoga routine at home for beginners.

Yoga practice at home

Yes, not only is it possible, but the philosophy of yoga encourages you to have a yoga routine at home, daily, even if it is a little every day. The practice of yoga has a component of individual growthAlthough it is usually practiced in groups, both large and small, the process that is awakened and generated during the session is personal to each practitioner.

It's because of that individual component that practicing at home is necessary and beneficial. Your practice, your time, your rhythm, your routine. To grow at your own pace, from your starting point, without comparing or competing.

This routine will help you to incorporate the state of calm and observation that occurs in yoga sessions to your daily life. At first you will only reach this state for a few moments during your practice, then in the whole session, after a while after leaving the class, this state will remain for some time and you will even feel it before arriving, as if your body and mind were already preparing for it. Finally, the day comes when you can access this state of bliss at will, because you have practiced it so much, placing yourself in it to deal with the external chaos that comes before you.

Establish a yoga routine at home

To establish a good yoga routine at home you need consistency and support.

The constancy It is something key that will help you achieve your goals with practice. So that you do not falter on the first day, we advise you go from less to more, spend little time at the beginning and you will do a more complete practice when you are ready.

It is important to dedicate a few days to yourself minutes, a space Y time let it be just for you, for your growth and internal connection.

You can choose one Fixed series adapted to your needs and/or limitations at this time. The ideal is to continue with the same practice for a while to establish yourself in it and be able to start enjoying its benefits. benefitsThere is a period of physical adaptation for the body when starting new exercises.

But with so many types of yoga, where to start?

How to start your yoga routine at home?

In the beginning there was only the Yoga, a discipline designed to stop the fluctuations of the mind that encompasses a practice physical, mental Y spiritualBut as disciples became teachers and spread yoga, it was adapted to multiple students and purposes.

Each style has been taking on its own identity and it is important for us to know which style of yoga is most favorable for us at this moment to begin our yoga routine at home.

The best known are Vinyasa-Yoga, hatha-yoga Y Yin-yoga. Although they currently say that there are as many styles as there are yoga teachers. In the following video Aida, yoga teacher at Sincronia, presents them to us so that you can begin to choose which one is yours.

So if you have a very active life physically and mentally, maybe a slower and more relaxing style would suit you. Or the other way around, if your job requires you to remain static for a long time in the same position, perhaps you should try styles with more mobility and rhythm.

Yoga routine at home for beginners

Here you have one simple yoga routine suitable for beginners that you can practice at home. You can add postures, movements and time as you progress in your practice.

Start with a little silenceIt is something very simple, but totally necessary, it will help you to enter the here and now, to be aware of how you are and prepare yourself for the practice. You don't even have to call it meditation, it is simply silence and observation.

For this we give you two options. In the first, you can sit with legs crossed, with your arms resting on your knees and your eyes closed. The second option is lie on your back with your legs bent, the soles of your feet on the floor and the palms of your hands over your eyes to create darkness.

In silence, observe How is your body?, your breathing, your sensations. Take advantage of this to reposition your body, to root yourself and at the same time, to let your spine lengthen. Bring your thoughts to this moment and this instant.

Go out with someone deep breathing and stretch like a cat would. In all directions and enjoying the breadth of your body. Continue with some stretching, sideways opening ribs, in forward bend, a small twist backwards. Direct the movement freely until you are standing.

Once standing, do some conscious breathing with arm movements to inhale, open your chest and heart and, when exhaling, relax your whole body. Then, you can do the sun salutation. This is one of the yoga posture sequences best known, which will help you activate, mobilize and awaken your entire body.

In the following video we explain, step by step, how to do the sun salutation to incorporate into your yoga routine at home.

As your practice progresses, you will be able to do more repetitions of the sun salutation and make static stops in each of the postures of the same and/or add some new postures that incorporate other aspects that you want to work on.

Finally, I invite you to close with some soft exit postures, whether on the floor or sitting. For example, a twist, some soft inverted posture on the shoulders, neck and head, the half-bridge posture or the two-legged table, and close with the Magical Apanasana Pose, (lying on your back, hug your legs to your chest).

Now give yourself a few minutes of relaxation in savasana, lying on your back, with your legs slightly open and your arms relaxed along your body with your palms facing the sky. Take a mental tour of your entire body, part by part, from bottom to top: heels, toes, soles of feet, etc., until you reach your head. After that, observe how you are and how you breathe. Feel the pleasant sensation of doing nothing, of being here and now without doing anything.

Let yourself be accompanied by the virtual classroom

Although as we were saying, the practice has a personal and individual component It is important to let yourself be accompanied, especially at the beginning, when you still have little awareness of your physical body, their feelings and needs. That is why they exist sequences, practices Y specific yoga sessions for beginners that can help you create this yoga routine at home.

In our Virtual classroom, which you can access if you subscribe to the online yoga classesWe offer you a complete series of yoga for beginners that will help you understanding the postures, steps, breaths Y meditations that you can incorporate into your routine. You don't need much to get started, just a little perseverance and 20 minutes a day.

Also, by subscribing, You get 14 days of trial without registration or permanence, and you will be able to access all the content and videos.


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