Pregnancy is health, also in yoga


First questions of yoga and pregnancy

Is it advisable to practice yoga at any time in our lives? can you help me go to yoga for pregnant women? And the postpartum yoga and/or do yoga with my baby is it possible? 

From the first moment that the pregnancy test gives us the positive signal and, why deny it, throughout the life of our children a torrent of doubts, questions, insecurities and fears falls on us. Basically because for all of us who are mothers and fathers, the life of our offspring becomes the most important thing. Especially your health. And without our own well-being and self-esteem, it is more difficult to take care of ourselves and, incidentally, to be confident that everything will be fine.

Prejudice also affects the world of Yoga in Barcelona. Unfortunately, no one is free from thinking that there are contraindications in situations as special as pregnancy. In fact, the fears in a process where there is so much attention and apparent fragility are normal and, at the same time, it is convenient to dismantle them. We seek, rather than deny that they exist, to critically understand where these fears come from and how we find peace depends, due to our Cartesian and positivist mentality, on the volume of useful and rigorous information available to us. To do this, as always, it is best to surround yourself with people with experience, criteria and who help us navigate this process of concern with the greatest peace of mind.

a healthy pregnancy

Therefore, we give a positive answer: yoga and pregnancy are perfectly compatible. The reason is very clear and diaphanous: “pregnancy is a sign of health, not disease!”. This reality is what Subirat Agate wants to reinforce every time we ask the opening questions of this article. Therefore, if I am a yoga practitioner in Gràcia and I am looking to continue with my classes, in mamayoga I have my space of continuity. Or if, on the contrary, it is my first contact with this path, it is also good to get advice from a specialized center. And even more so if I have the permanent support of the teachers, with a parenting group or workshops childbirth preparation. I can even give myself the plugin to work with osteopathy to accompany the pregnancy. We return to the concept of a network of trust and security. A tribe that extends with family and friends, with the plus of midwives, gynecologists, doulas or our prenatal yoga teacher.


postpartum yoga

And the best thing comes with the birth of the baby because, apart from the immense joy of the new little person, we can continue with postpartum yoga classes, do a workshop on infant massage or reconnect as a couple. Without forgetting, of course, the parenting support group or, later on, continuing with my son in a practice for older babies. In short, managing to preserve that personal space that is so important for our well-being without having to give up being able to carry out activities with our children or being able to combine shared spaces where we can continue to grow from a friendly, relaxed and close place. May yoga be part of our daily life including our new family.

As if that were not enough, if yoga has captivated me in this process and I want to continue or resume my practice, Sincronia Yoga waiting for me to be able to re-engage in a routine of health and well-being. Be with softer styles and Recovery, being with levels that return to me tone upbe with him dynamism of the styles closest to our western experience of psychophysical activity.

Health, yoga and pregnancy go hand in hand. Just like when we will give our baby help to start walking when he is ready. Something that with the benefits of the yogi practice itself, will be easy and wonderfully natural.


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