Practice yoga with body awareness


What do I do with this back pain? How can I better manage tension and stress? What activity is good to activate my body and avoid a sedentary lifestyle?

When we look for our way in bodily movement, we find in the Yoga one of the most similar proposals and, why not recognize it already, recommended by our society. The practice of yoga goes beyond a trend, as it is about exercises that connect our physical, emotional and mental systems immediately and with great results. And that, today, is a very precious value.

A first search on Google when we look for “yoga Barcelona” or “yoga in Gràcia” will make us type “yoga for beginners”, given that clichés also affect yoga: “I'm not flexible”, “I can't do these difficult postures that come out on Instagram”, “I have an injury or limits due to my age or mobility”, “I am not in shape", etc.

To do this, we can choose to take a course in initiation to yoga, make a first test class or choose to enter level 0 or more basic yoga that we offer in Sincronia Yoga, body awareness or restorative yoga.

The body awareness It is an activity aimed at all audiences, since it does not understand levels or advanced practices. We seek to feel, first, our body to give our nervous system a map of how I am and what resources are available to me.

From these limits, we explore this cartography with different proposals: basic stretches, gentle and gentle with the rhythm of execution; postures of yoga for beginners, carried out progressively and without taking our body to the limit; dynamics of conscious movement from innate movement patterns; breathing exercises integrated inside and outside the bodily practice; relaxation techniques and stress management through rooting with muscle and joint mobilization; elementary self-massage routines; and a wide range of possibilities, since our potential for movement is new every day, as well as the evolution and proposals we make in the classes.

And if this is not enough for us, we will always have been able to strengthen our mind-body movement coordinates for more demanding styles of yoga: starting with the gentle and deep practice of the style Yin-yoga from the alignment and postural correction of the hatha-yogapassing through the dynamism and agility of the postures of the Vinyasa-Yoga  and also, exercising the mind and its connection with our present through Meditation.

In addition, coexistence with our body is daily and constant. This vital cycle of repetition and regularity, the basis of any discipline such as Yoga, is facilitated in Sincronia Yoga con yoga classes every day of the year, including Sundays and holidays. And it is that the practice is a right to exercise and a necessity to develop for our union between body, mind and spirit.

Written by: Ignasi Sero


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