Warrior Pose or Virabhadrasana

yoga warrior pose

As you surely know, yoga has a wide variety of postures or asanas. Some are simpler for people who are just starting out in yoga and others are more complicated for the most advanced. Today in Yoga Synchrony we will tell you how to do it warrior pose or virabhadrasana. This asana is made up of three phases that we will tell you about below.

Warrior pose or Virabhadrasana I

The Virabhadrasana I posture is a well-known posture among yoga lovers. Due to its simplicity, it is designed to people who are starting in this discipline. To do it correctly we must follow the following steps:

  • Stand on your mat, take one of your feet back and keep the other at the start of your Widemat. Stretch your back and perform the following breathing cycle: breathe in for 5 seconds, hold your breath for 10 seconds, and breathe out for another 10 seconds.
  • Separate your feet about 5-6 centimeters, raise your arms and stretch them vertically until they are completely straight.
  • Take a long step with your right leg and keep your left leg behind you. Lean over the leg forward to form a 90º angle.
  • Keep the totally straight back while keeping your arms raised vertically. Do this for 10 seconds and then return to your original position.

Warrior pose or Virabhadrasana II

After doing the first part of this asana, we can continue with Virabhadrasana II, which corresponds to the warrior's attack position, by following these simple steps:

warrior stance
  • Stand on your mat and do the same breathing cycle than in Virabhadrasana I.
  • Place the arms akimbo and take a deep breath.
  • Spread your legs until the knees and elbows form one vertical line. Meanwhile, hold your breath.
  • Turn the right foot 90º and bend the right leg, tilt your body towards that leg. You have to continue with your hands on your hips and with your back completely straight. Breathe out slowly and take another deep breath.
  • spread your cross arms fully stretched, turn your head to the right and keep your chin parallel to your mat. Hold in this position in a relaxed way for 10 seconds.
  • Breathe out slowly and finish the asana in the reverse order in which you performed it. After finishing the asana, repeat it again, this time with the left leg.

Warrior pose or Virabhadrasana III

To finish we are going to tell you how to perform the third part of this asana. To do this you must follow these steps:

  • Stand up on your Widemat with the Straight back. Perform the same breathing cycle that we have told you before.
  • tilt the trunk forward keeping your legs straight. Breathe out for 10 seconds.
  • take a big step back with the left foot and while inhaling, bring the weight of your body to the right leg.
  • Raise your left leg little by little, while stretching your arms forward jgreasing the palms of the hands.
  • You have to form a straight line that goes from your hands to the foot that you have resting on your Widemat. The back has to be in line with the left leg, forming a T With your body.
  • Hold on like this for 10 seconds and gradually finish the asana in the reverse order that we have followed previously.
  • Repeat these steps again but changing legs.

The main benefits of this asana

Thanks to the realization of this posture you will be able to notice the following benefits in your body and mind:

  • It helps you to tone up the abdomen, legs, buttocks, back and shoulders.
  • You will notice an improvement in your coordination.
  • will increase your lung capacity.
  • will improve your concentration.
  • It will reduce your stress and anxiety.
  • You can prepare for asana performance with a higher degree of complication.

If you want to get started in yoga, at Sincronía Yoga we have face-to-face classes Y on-line with a wide variety of schedules to adapt to your needs.


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