Philosophical workshop on YAMAS

“The practice of asanas is based on the ethical principles of yamas and niyamas.”

Basic Workshop | Soon

How is the workshop?

In this first workshop we will focus on the study of YAMAS, which are 5 moral precepts of abstention and control of our behavior and their application in our modern life.

  • Ahimsa: non-violence
  • Satya: truth, honesty
  • Asteya: do not steal
  • Brahmacarya: continence, chastity
  • Aparigrahāh: without possessions

If the practice of postures is not aligned with the ethical principles of yamas and niyamas, the EGO can grow or decrease and thus completely distort the purpose of the practice.

“I loved the class, thank you very much!”

“I have never been given such specific and detailed advice on how to stay upright”

“I have been able to overcome fears and break the block that I had for a long time, after a fall on my back that I had while practicing handstand”

Sign up now!

October 5th, 6pm to 7:30pm
Sattva Room (Sant Pere Martir 33)

€25 Students | €28 Non-students

Taught by Carola Lobo

Synchronicity teacher

She began practicing Yoga more than 20 years ago, seeking to improve some ailments and listen to what her body was asking for.

Understanding yoga as a complete system of healing and self-knowledge designed to help the body maintain a natural state of health.

Date and duration

October 5 | 18:00h -19:30h (1:30h)
Sattva Room (Carrer Sant Pere Martir 33)


28€ – Workshop for non-students

€25 – Workshop for students

Pay €10 in advance by booking at TIMP and the rest in cash at the workshop!

Do you want help to register or have questions?

Sign up through the form so that we can manage it directly for you or tell us what worries you and we will help you!


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