Paula Manghi

Paula is a Hatha Vinyasa teacher and Integral Purpose Coach.

He studied with teachers of the Dharma Mittra lineage. In constant learning and deepening of the technique. Studying the Master in Transpersonal Psychotherapy at the IPTB.

For me, yoga is the union of spirituality, bodily health, the calm of the mind and the flow of emotions. This universe led me to be immersed in this world from the Bakhti with the chanting of mantras that elevates me to another place and the Hatha-Raja to feed my consciousness in the present and in my breathing as a source of life.

We begin the class with awareness in the body, mind and breathing. Understanding how the group is doing helps me better accompany them in their present moment. From the beginning I invite you to align your posture, connect with your breathing and unite both synchronously.

We begin to give mobility to the body to prepare it for practice. We continue with surya namaskar (sun salutations) and then different postures that lead to stretching, elongation, inversion and twisting of the body to mobilize the encapsulated and inactive energy, guiding each movement with the breath.

We close each class with a pranayama or simply returning awareness to the present.

“Consciousness in breathing as the axis of movement.”

-Paula Manghi-


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Paula Manghi


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